Upgrade your PC's security

Nowdays there are many threat in the internet that always harm your PC or Laptop security sistem. But don't worry because you can make your PC/Laptop safer.
We will give you some tips that easy to do to make your PC/Laptop safer, here there are :
1. Install Firewall on your PC or Laptop.
There are 2 kinds of firewall, hardware and software firewall. A hardware firewall usually installed on your router and you can configure it using software from your hardware provider. And for software firewall you can get it for free or buy it. Actually, your operating system usually has firewall installed on it. For example if you using Windows from Microsoft, you can activate your firewall by configure it from control panel. Always update your firewall regularly for optimizing your security system. Sometime if you connect your PC/Laptop to the internet, your firewall software will try to reach their update from internet and update it automatically.
2. Always update your Antivirus
Always update your antivirus regularly because it will inform to your antivirus program about new definitions viruses on the net.
3. Practice patch management
Your operating system is not perfect. Sometime there are many holes in the security system that usually attract to be attacked. For this purpose, your OS provider always release new patches to close the holes. Always update your OS security system by downloading new patch update. If you use Windows OS like XP or Vista you can activate automatic update, so when you connect to the internet you will get your OS update automatically when new patch is released.
4. BACK UP your data
Always back up your important data regularly because we don't know when your security system is crash. And you have to know that the most important stuff in your PC/Laptop is your DATA!

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